今回は予定や未来などを言い表す際に使う〔be going to do〕の過去形〔was/were going to do〕について研究し、まとめました。
was/were going to do の意味
〔be going to do(=~するつもりである、~になりそうである)〕の過去形〔was/were going to do〕は「~するつもりだった」「~しようとしていた」「~することになっていた」という意味になります。
〔was/were going to do〕は次のように会話でもよく使われます。

〔was/were going to do〕の使用例を紹介します。
was/were going to do
was/were going to be <something>
was/were going to go
was/were going to leave
was/were going to come
was/were going to go out
was/were going to see
was/were going to say
was/were going to mention it
was/were going to get married
was/were going to propose to <someone>
was/were going to give <someone> a call
was/were going to support <someone>
was/were going to vote for <someone>
was/were going to kiss <someone>
wasn’t/weren’t going to answer it
was/were going to cook
was/were going to fight
was/were going to work
wasn’t/weren’t going to give in
wasn’t/weren’t going to waste time
was/were going to throw it away
was/were going to fly standby
〔was/were going to do〕とよく一緒に使われること表現(語句)には次のようなものがあります。
at first(最初は)
changed one’s mind(気が変わった)
thought better of it(考え直してやめた)
〔was/were going to do〕を例文で確認しましょう。
〔was/were going to do〕の例文

1 What was I going to do? Oh, yes-make a copy of this. (何をしようとしていたんだっけ?そうそう、これのコピーを取るんだった)
2 “Who was it that was going to cook yesterday?” “Let’s see-ah, it was Mary.” (「昨日料理をすることになっていたのは誰だったっけ?」「えーと、そう、メアリーだよ」)
3 “Sorry for damaging your umbrella.” “Never mind, I was going to throw it away anyway.” (「傘を壊してごめん」「別にいいよ。どうせ捨てるつもりだったから」)
4 I was going to mention it, but I slipped my mind. (それを言うつもりだったが、忘れた)
5 What was I going to say? Oh year, we’ve finally got our second computer. (何を言おうとしていたんだろう。ああ、そうそう、僕たちはついに2代目のコンピュータを買ったんだ)
6 I wasn’t going to answer it at first, but I did. (私は最初それに答えるつもりはなかったが、答えた)
7 Japan was going to dominate the world economically. (日本は経済的に世界を座席する勢いであった)
8 I was going to be an athlete. (私はスポーツ選手になるつもりだった)
9 Everything was going to be just fine. (すべてうまくいくはずだった)
10 As I was going to be transferred, I explained to mu successor all about the job. (転勤が間近になったので私は後任者に仕事の引継ぎをした)
11 John was going to be paid a salary, instead of by the hour, whether he put in forty hours or not. (ジョンは、40時間働こうが働くまいが、時間給の代わりに月給で払われることになっていた)
12 I was going to hail a taxi, but some drunken man beat me to it. (タクシーを止めようとしたら、酔っ払いに先を越された)
13 I was just going to go out. (ちょうど今出ようと思っていたところだった)
14 She was going to go, but she changed her mind. (彼女は行くつもりだったが、気が変わって行かないことにした)
15 Fortunately, the bus was just going to leave when I got there. (そこへ着くとちょうどいい具合にバスが発車するところだった)
16 I was just going to leave when you phoned me. (あなたが電話してきたとき、私はちょうど出発するところでした)
17 I was just going to leave when the telephone ring. (電話が鳴ったとき私はまさに出かけようとしていた)
18 We were going to leave on Tuesday, but as it is we’ll have to stay here until the weekend. (火曜日に出発するつもりだったが、事情が変わって週末までここにいなければならないだろう)
19 He was going to see her. (彼は彼女に会うつもりだった)
20 Their children were going to learn English. (彼らの子ども達は英語を習う予定だった)
21 He was going to propose to her, but at the last minute he got cold feet. (彼は彼女にプロポーズしようと思っていたがいざとなると勇気が出なかった)
22 I was going to hand in my resignation, but I thought better of it. (辞表を提出するつもりだったが考え直してやめた)
23 They were going to get married in June, but they couldn’t. (彼らは6月に結婚するつもりだったができなかった)
24 I was going to give you a call, but I didn’t think you’d want to. (あなたに電話をするつもりだったのだけれど迷惑だろうと思ったの)
25 We were going to support him until such time as he would settle down. (我々は彼が落ち着くまでは彼を支援するつもりだった)
26 I was just going to have my fortune told by a gypsy. (私はちょうどジプシーに自分の運勢を占ってもらおうとしていた)
27 “I wasn’t going to give in. I wasn’t going to fall. I was going to fight like hell.” (俺は降伏なんかするつもりなかった。敗北するつもりじゃなかった。鬼のように戦うつもりだったんだ)
28 I was going to vote for him, but I changed my mind and voted for Reagan. (彼に投票するつもりだったけれども、気が変わってレーガンに投票しました)
29 John was going to fly standby. (ジョンはキャンセル待ちで飛行機に乗る予定だった)
30 Teresa told her family the unthinkable ; she was going to work in the United States. (テレサは彼女の家族に考えられないことを告げた。彼女はアメリカで働くつもりだった)
31 There could be many reasons and he was not going to waste time speculating on them. (数多くの理由があったかもしれないが彼はそれらを試算することに時間を浪費するつもりはなかった)
32 Officers were going to retake sectors of the city. (将校は町の戦闘地区を奪回するつもりでした)
33 We were going to wallpaper that room anyway. (我々はいずれにしてもあの部屋に壁紙を張るつもりだった)
従属節に〔was/were going to do〕を置く場合
時制の一致によって、従属節内の〔am/is/are going to do〕は〔was/were going to do〕になります。
〔was/were going to do〕が従属節内で使われる場合、「~するつもりである」「~しそうである」「~することになる」という意味になります。
従属節によく〔was/were going to do〕を置く、過去形の主節の動詞には次のようなものがあります。
thought (that)(だと思っていた)
knew (that)(だと分かっていた/だと知っていた)
never ever imagined(that)(だとまったく思ってもみなかった)
expected (that)(だと予想していた)
predicted (that)(だと予測していた)
decided (that)(だと決めていた)
said (that)(だと言っていた)
wrote (that)(だと手紙で知らせてきた)
worried (that)(~であることを心配していた)

従属節に〔was/were going to do〕をどのように置くか
従属節に〔was/were going to do〕を置く、仮主語構文を紹介します。
It became clear (that) <something> was/were going to do(~であることが明白になった)
It became obvious (that) <something> was/were going to do(~であることが明白になった)
従属節に〔was/were going to do〕を置く、there構文の例を紹介します。
There was no way that <someone> was/were able to do(<人>が~することができる可能性がなかった)
従属節に〔was/were going to do〕を置く、仮定法の例を紹介します。
If I had known my life was going to turn out like this, I would have done(もし自分の人生がこうなることが分かっていたなら、~しただろう)
関係詞が作る名詞節(=名詞の働きをする語のかたまり)の中に〔was/were going to do〕がある例を紹介します。
what <someone> was/were going to do(<人>がしようとしていること)
what <someone> was/were going to do(<人>がしようとしていること)
where this conversation was going to lead(この会話がどこに進むのか)
関係詞が作る形容詞節(=形容詞の働きをする語のかたまり)の中に〔was/were going to do〕がある例を紹介します。
an idea what <someone> was/were going to do(<人>がしようとしている考え)
a feeling that <someone> was/were going to do(<人>がしようとしている印象)
an occupation which was going to be an adventure(冒険になるような職業)
従属節に〔was/were going to do〕を置く例文を確認しましょう。
例文 従属節に〔was/were going to do〕

1 He talked about what he was going to do with his life. (彼は人生設計を語った)
2 He approached life with reckless abandon-I don’t think he himself knew what he was going to do next. (彼は向こう見ずな奔放さで人生を生きてきた。彼自身、次に自分が何をしようとしているのか分かっていなかったと思う)
3 I had a pretty good idea what she was going to do. (彼女がなにをするつもりか大体の見当はついていた)
4 She coughed to signal that she was going to say something important. (彼女は何か重要なことを言おうとしてせき払いをした)
5 Did you know that he was going to be a lawyer? (彼が弁護士志望なのを知ってましたか?)
6 I never ever imagined I was going to be a teacher. (自分が教師になるなんてまったく思ってもみなかった)
7 From the very beginning, Stuart Leslie Goddard, a.k.a. Adam Ant, knew he was going to be a star. (スチュアート・レスリー・ゴダード、別名アダム・アントは、最初の最初から自分はスターになると意識していた)
8 I thought there was going to be nobody there. (そこには誰もいそうにないと思った)
9 I didn’t expect it was going to be this cold. (こんなに寒くなるとは思わなかった)
10 I had a feeling you were going to be difficult about this. (私はあなたがこの件に関して頑固な態度を取るような気がした)
11 He predicted correctly that there was going to be a stock market crash. (彼は株式市場が崩壊するだろうと正確に予測した)
12 I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure. (私は冒険になるような仕事を探していたのだと思う)
13 I decided that I was going to take early retirement. (私は早期退職することを決めていた)
14 Their hope, and their expectation, was that she was going to be found safe and that she would be returned to her family. (彼らが望みそして期待しているのは、彼女が無事に見つかり家に戻ってくることだった)
15 I thought it was going to rain. But it has turned out fine. (雨が降りそうだと思ったけど、結局はいい天気になった)
16 I thought it was going to rain, but it cleared up after all. (雨が降りそうだと思ったが、結局よい天気になった)
17 I wish you would have let me know beforehand that you were going to come. (いらっしゃるのなら前もって知らせておいてくださればよかったのに)
18 How could she tell beforehand that I was going to go out? (私が外出することを彼女はどうやって事前に分かったのでしょうか)
19 When she said she was going to leave him, he thought it was only a bluff. (彼女の切り出した別れ話はただの強がりだと彼は思った)
20 I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. (いつかはそうなると分かっていた)
21 I knew this was going to happen. (こうなるとわかっていたよ)
22 I had thought I was going to cry. (私は泣いてしまうと思っていた(が実際には泣かなかった))
23 I thought her perpetual complaints were going to prove too much for me. (私は彼女の絶え間ない不平に耐えられなくなると思った)
24 A rumor spread that she was going to quit the TV news show. (彼女がニュース番組から降りるという噂が流れた)
25 Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede. (私はもう良くならないだろうと思い始めたちょうどそのころ、病状が薄らぎ始めた)
26 He surprised us by saying that he was going to get married. (彼は結婚すると言って私たちをびっくりさせた)
27 She wrote me that she was going to get married soon. (彼女はまもなく結婚すると手紙で知らせてきた)
28 “Uh-oh! Did you remember to feed the dog?” “No, I didn’t. I thought you were going to feed him.” (「ん!忘れずに犬にえさをやった?」「いいや、やってない。君がやると思ってたし」)
29 It became clear that the Union was not going to beat the government. (組合は政府に打ち勝つことはないことが明白になった)
30 It became blatantly obvious to me that the band wasn’t going to last. (私にとって、バンドが長く続かないことはもはや疑う余地がなくなった)
31 I knew I was going to make it – that I wasn’t a hopeless case. (自分がうまくやれることは分かっていた。自分が悪い状況にいるわけではないとね)
32 I think the doctors were worried that I was going to croak on their watch. (医者たちは私が自分たちの目の前で死ぬのではないかと心配していたと思う)
33 I was dammed if I was going to ask for an explanation and beg to keep my job. (私が説明を求めて雇い続けて欲しいと頼むことなどしたわけがない)
34 My heart sank because I thought he was going to dump me for another girl. (彼が私を捨てて他の女のところに行くと思うと心が沈んだ)
35 They had a commercial on the other night for Drug Free America that was so gross I thought Dad was going to faint. (先日Drug Free America(=アメリカの薬物追放運動)のコマーシャルが流れたが、あまりにも気持ち悪くて父が気を失うのではないかと思った)
36 For a moment I thought he was going to kiss me. I recoiled in horror. (一瞬彼が私にキスしようとしてると思い、ぞっとして後ずさりした)
37 If I had known my life was going to turn out like this, I would have let them kill me. (もし私の人生がこんな風になると分かっていたら、私は彼らに殺されることをいとわなかっただろう)
38 I was positive things were going to turn out fine. (私は事がうまく運ぶことを確信していた)
39 There was absolutely no way that we were going to be able to retrieve it. (私たちがそれを取り戻せる可能性はまったくなかった)
40 He was a nice doctor, but a weak man who wasn’t going to stick his neck out. (彼は親切な医者だったが、あえて危険を冒したりしない気のない弱い人だった)
41 She had a feeling she already knew where this conversation was going to lead. (彼女はこの会話がどこに進むのかを既に知っているような気がした)
42 ‘Surprise’ got her name because nobody knew that her mother was going to have a foal. (母馬が子馬を生むことを誰も分かっていなかったので子馬に「Surprise(=驚き)」という名前がつけられた)
以上、〔was/were going to do〕についての解説でした。