- 『雨』とは、①大気中の水蒸気が冷えて雲ができ、雲の中で成長した水滴が地上に落ちてくる現象やその水滴、②雨の降る日のことです。
a shower(にわか雨) / a sudden rain(にわか雨) / scattered showers(にわか雨) / a rain gauge(雨量計) / a raindrop(雨垂れ) / a drop of rain(一滴の雨) / passing rain(雨足) / the sound of the rain(雨音) / an umbrella(雨傘) / a raincoat(雨合羽) / a waterproof(雨合羽) / rain gear(雨具) / rain shoes(雨靴) / rain boots(雨靴) / a rain cloud(雨雲) / a rainy sky(雨空) / a sliding shutter(雨戸) / a sliding storm window(雨戸) / rainwater(雨水) / a watery sky(雨模様の空) / a leak in the roof(雨漏り) / a cold rain(冷たい雨) / a gentle rain(静かな雨) / a fine rain(こぬか雨/霧雨) / a pouring rain(土砂降りの雨) / a driving rain(横なぐりの雨) / a very welcome rain(恵みの雨) / a warm spring rain(春の雨) / a heavy rain(激しい雨) / a rainy district(雨の多い地方) / the rainfall probability for today(今日の雨の確率) / a wet morning(雨に濡れた朝) / a rain man(雨男) / a rain woman(雨女) / the rainy season(雨季) / the wet season(雨季) / rainy weather(雨天) / rainy weather(雨天) / a rainy day(雨天) / a wet day(雨天) / rainfall(雨量) / a wet climate(雨の多い気候) / continuous rain(連続した雨) / rain coupled with a strong wind(強い風を伴なった雨) / the dash of the rain(打ちつける雨音) / a rain forest(雨林) / a tropical rain forest(熱帯雨林) / patchy rain(局地的な雨) / a region of high rainfall(雨量の多い地域) / a region of low rainfall(雨量の少ない地域) / a bucket for catching the rain(雨水を受けるバケツ) / a rainwater tank(雨水タンク) / an annual rainfall(年間雨量) / big drops of rain(大粒の雨) / rain with thunder and lightning(雷を伴う雨) / a misty rain(霧のような雨) / a puddle of rain(雨降りでできた水たまり) / constant rain(絶え間ない雨) / incessant rain(絶え間ない雨) / intermittent rain(断続的な雨) / a gutter(雨どい)
雨が降る it rains / the rain comes down
ひどく雨が降っている it’s raining hard
雨が大量に降っている the rain is coming down (in) buckets
しとしと雨が降っている it’s drizzling
雨漏りする leak
雨宿りをする take shelter from the rain / take refuge from the rain
雨がやむのを待つ wait out the rain
雨の中でたたずむ stand in the rain
雨の中を出て行く go out in the rain
雨が降り続いている it has been raining
雨が多い have much rain / have much rainfall / have a lot of rain / it rains a lot
雨が少ない have little rain
雨乞いをする pray for rain
雨に洗われる be washed by the rain / be clean by the rain
雨にさらす expose to the rain / leave in the rain
雨がだんだん強くなっている it’s raining harder / the rain is getting heavier
雨の音がする can hear the rain pattering / can hear the patter of rain
雨が小降りになってきた the rain is letting up / the rain has lessened / the rain has eased
雨に降られる be caught in the rain / be caught in a rain / be caught in a shower / get caught in the rain
雨が降り続く it continues to rain / it keeps raining / the rain continues to fall / the rain continues falling
雨が降りそうだ/雨模様だ it looks like rain / it’s likely to rain / it’s going to rain / it feels like rain
雨が降り始める/降りだす it begins raining / it begins to rain / it starts to rain / the rain begins to fall / the rain begins start to fall / it come on to rain
雨が上がる/雨がやむ the rain stops / the rain has stopped / the rain has let up / it has stopped raining / the rain has ceased
雨がやみそうにない the rain shows no sign of stopping / the rain shows no sign of letting up
雨が降ったりやんだりしている it has been raining off and on / it has been raining on and off / the rain has been coming and going
雨の中を in the rain / through the rain / in the wet
ときどき雨 with occasional showers / with occasional rain / sometimes rain
雨の日に on a rainy day / on a wet day
雨になった場合には in the event of rain / in the event that it rains
雨のために because of the rain
大雨のために because of the heavy rain
雨にぬれる get wet in the rain / get drenched in the rain / get soaked in the rain
雨が<何か>に当たる the rain hits <something>
雨が<何か>に激しく打ちつけている the rain is beating on <something> / the rain is beating against <something> / the rain is driving against <something> / the rain is smashing against <something>
雨が<何か>からしたたり落ちている rain is dropping from <something>
<何か>が雨のために流れる <something> is rained out / <something> is rained off
⑴ Judging from the sky, it might rain in the evening. (空の様子から、夕方には雨になるかもしれない)
⑵ The rain had stopped when I left the movie theater. (映画館を出るころには、雨は上がっていた)
⑶ It will stop raining before long. (あと少ししたら、雨は止むだろう)
⑷ It has been raining for a week. (ここ1週間、ずっと雨が続いています)
⑸ It rains a lot in Seattle. (シアトルは雨が多い)
⑹ It will rain tomorrow. (あすは雨が降るだろう)
⑺ We will have rain tomorrow. (あすは雨が降るだろう)
⑻ Looks like it’s going to rain. (雨が降りそうだ)
⑼ It has been raining on and off since this morning. (今朝から雨が降ったりやんだりしている)
⑽ I can hear the rain pattering on the window. (窓を打つ雨の音がする)
⑾ He was jogging in the rain. (彼は雨の中をジョギングしていた)
⑿ The game was put off because of the rain. (試合は雨で延期になった)
⒀ The game was rained out in the sixth inning. (雨のために試合が6回で流れた)
⒁ The rain is beating on the windows. (雨が窓に激しく打ちつけている)
⒂ The rain continued to fall for ten hours. (雨は10時間降り続けた)
⒃ The cold rain came down for hours. (冷たい雨が何時間も降った)