今回は、〔Do I have to do?(しなきゃいけないの?)〕の表現についてまとめました。

Do I have to do?


〔Do I have to do?〕を含む例文・フレーズ

〔Do I have to do?〕の〔do〕が表す、やらなきゃいけないこと表す動詞のバリエーションに注目し、様々な場面で〔Do I have to do?〕を使えるようになりましょう!

Do I have to do?

“Why do I have to apologize? She was so unreasonable!” “That may be so, but you can’t say things like that to a customer.” (「なぜ私が謝らなきゃいけないんですか?彼女が理不尽なことを言ってたんですよ!」「そうかもしれないけど、客にあんなこと言っちゃダメでしょ」)


Why do I have to be considerate to them? It’s our house, so the one renting a room here should be more considerate, don’t you think? (どうして私が彼等に気を使わなきゃいけないの?私たちの家なんだからルームメイトが気を使うべきでしょ?)


Do I have to call him now? (私はいま彼に電話をしなければなりませんか?)

Why do I have to call you? If you have something to talk about, you should call me. (何で私があなたに電話しなきゃいけないの?話したかったらそっちがかけてくればいいでしょ)


My plans are messed up because of you. I have plans of my own, you know! Why do I have to change my plans to suit yours? (あなたのおかげで予定が狂った。私にも予定があるの!なぜあなたにばかり合わせなきゃいけないの?)


Why do I have to clean your mess every time? (どうして私がいつもあなたの尻拭いをしなきゃいけないの?)

clean up

Stress, stress, stress. I’m so stressed out. Why do I have to clean up her mess? (ストレス。ストレス。ストレス。本当にストレス溜まってる。何で私が彼女の尻拭いしなきゃいけないの?)

come back

Do I have to come back here to pick it up again? (またここに取りにくればいいですか?)


How many tears do I have to cry until I can forget you? (どれだけ涙を流せば、あなたを忘れることができますか?)


Do I have to do all the exercises? I already get it.” “Maybe you do, but practice makes perfect.” (「この練習問題全部やらなきゃいけないの?もう理解できてるのに」「そうかもしれないけど、練習こそが上達への道だ」)

Why do I have to do it? (何で私がやらなきゃいけないの?)

Why do I have to do as you say all the time?! It has nothing to do with me, right? (なんで私がいつもあなたの都合に合わせなきゃダメなの?!それはあなただけの事情でしょ?)

Why do I have to do this anyway? (だいたいなんでこんなことしなきゃいけないの?)

Why do I have to do things your way? I mean, you do everything as you please. (どうして私があなたに合わせて行動しなきゃいけないの?あなたも自分の好きなように行動してるじゃん)

Why do I have to do such a thing... (なんで私がそんなことしなきゃいけないの...)

What else do I have to do? (あと何をやらなければいけないの?)

Why do I have to do what everyone else is doing? (なんで皆と同じことをしなきゃダメなの?)

What do I have to do? (私は何をしなければならないですか?)


How much time do I have to change? (どのくらいの期間で交換すれば良いのですか?)


I don’t want to be a broken record. How long is this going to continue? How long do I have to feel insecure? I hate this. (同じ話を何度もしたくない。いつまで続くの?いつまでこの不安定な気持ちが続くの?本当にヤダ)


When do I have to finish it by? (いつまでにそれを終わらせればいいの?)


Do I have to forget about you? (もうあなたのこと、忘れなきゃいけないのかな?)


Do I have to get this done by tomorrow? (これって明日までに終わらせなきゃいけないの?)

How many wins do I have to get to qualify? (予選突破するには何勝しなくちゃいけないの?)


When do I have to give an answer by? (いつまでに答えをださないといけませんか?)


Do I have to go? You don’t need me there anyways.” “Tell you what, just come with me for 30 minutes, and then you can leave.” (「俺も行かなきゃダメ?どうせ、別に俺は必要ないでしょ」「じゃあ、こうしよう。30分だけ一緒に来てくれたら帰っていいよ」)

Do I have to go this dinner? Talking to my relatives is so exhausting.” “Oh come on, just suck it up. It’s only for a few hours.” (「この夕食会行かなきゃダメ?親戚と話すの超疲れるんだよね」「はぁ、もう、つべこべ言うなよ。数時間の我慢じゃん」)

Do I have to go to work tomorrow? (明日、仕事に行かなければなりませんか?)

Do I have to go? (絶対に行かなきゃだめ?)

Do I have to go there? (私はそこへ行かなければなりませんか?)

go through

Why do I have to go through this? I didn’t do anything wrong... (なんでこんな目にあわなきゃいけないの?何も悪いことしてないのに...)


Why do I have to hear such things from you? (なんでお前にそんなこと言われなきゃいけないわけ?)

How many more times do I have to hear your excuses? (あとどれくらい言い訳を聞いたらいいんですか?)


Why do I have to hide my feelings? (なんで自分の気持ち隠さなきゃいけないの?)


Do I have to keep feeling this way from now on? (またこの先もこんな思いをしなきゃいけないの?)

keep on

I’ve been putting up with that for a long time, why do I have to keep on putting up with it any longer? (ずっと我慢してるのに、どうしてこれ以上我慢しなきゃいけないの?)


How many times do I have to kiss you to be your girlfriend? (あと何回キスしたら彼女にしてくれるの?)

look forward to

What do I have to look forward to in life now...? (今日から何を楽しみに生きていけばいいの...?)


I get hurt, and then I fall in love again. How many times do I have to make the same mistake before I can get over myself? (傷ついてまた好きになって、何回繰り返したら私は気が済むの?)


Do I have to pay the pension?” “I don’t know, but it’s in your best interest to pay. You won’t have to worry about retirement!” (「年金って絶対払わなきゃダメなの?」「どうかな、でも払うのが君の身のためだよ。そしたら、退職後の心配しなくていいじゃん!」)

How much left do I have to pay? (あといくら払えばいい?)

pay for

Why do I have to pay for you? It’s your responsibility, isn’t it? (なんで私があなたの分まで払わないといけないの?あなたの責任でしょ?)


Do I have to prepare anything else? (他に何か用意するものはありますか?)

put up with

Why do I have to put up with it? (なぜ私が我慢する必要があるのですか?)


Do I have to remember the meaning of these words? (これらの単語の意味も覚える必要がありますか?)


How many times do I have to say that I love you? (何度好きと言えばいい?)


Why do I have to spend my birthday alone? (何が悲しくて自分の誕生日を1人で過ごさなあかんねん)


When do I have to start? (いつまでに始めればいいの?)


Why do I have to suffer so much? (何でこんなに苦労しなきゃダメなの?)

Why do I have to suffer so much because of you? Why are you making me suffer? (何であなたのことでこんなに苦しまなきゃいけないの?何で苦しませるの?)

Why do I have to suffer this much for you? You only approached me for money. (何で私があんたの為にここまで苦しい思いをしなきゃいけないの!?あんたはお金のために私に近づいた)


Do I have to take this first-aid course?” “Yes. I’m sorry, but it’s mandatory.” (「この応急処置のコース絶対受けなきゃダメ?」「うん、すまないが、それは必須だよ」)

take care of

My daughters are not children anymore. Why do I have to take care of grown-ups? (私の娘たちはもう子供ではない。どうして、大人の世話をしなくちゃいけないの?)


Hey! How many times do I have to tell you? Close the door! (おい!てめぇ何回も同じこと言わすなよ?ドア閉めろ)

How many times do I have to tell you!? (何度言ったら分かるの!?)

How many times do I have to tell you before you’ll understand? (何回言ったら分かるの?)

You left the light on again! Sigh, you never learn. How many times do I have to tell you! (また部屋の電気つけっ放しじゃない!も~あなたったらいつもそう。何回も言わせないで!)


Why do I have to visit him all the time? How come he never comes to see me? (何故いつも私が彼の元に行かなければいけないの?何故彼が私の元へ来てくれないの?)


How much longer do I have to wait? (あとどれくらい待てばいいですか?)

How long do I have to wait? (俺はいつまで待てばいいの?)

wake up

Why do I have to wake up so early? It’s my day off for crying out loud... (なんでそんなに早く起きないといけないの?せっかく休みなのに...)


Why do I have to wear such short pants?! (なんでこんなに短い半ズボン履かなきゃいけないの?!)


Why do I have to work this hard for you? (なんで俺がお前のためにこんなに頑張らなきゃならないんだ)

以上、〔Do I have to do?(しなきゃいけないの?)〕の表現を紹介しました。








