今回は、丁寧に相手に何かを勧める〔Would you like something?(何かはいかがですか?)〕の表現についてまとめました。

〔Would you like something?〕を含む例文・フレーズ
〔Would you like something?〕の〔something〕が表す、相手に勧める物を表す名詞のバリエーションに注目し、様々な場面で〔Would you like something?〕を使えるようになりましょう!

“Would you like a window seat or aisle seat?” “I’d like an aisle seat please.” (「窓側か通路側どちらの席がよろしいでしょうか?」「通路側の席でお願いします」)
Would you like a bag? (レジ袋つけますか?)
Would you like separate bags? (袋をお分けしましょうか?)
Would you like an extra bag? (予備の袋はお付けしますか?)
Would you like me to put one plastic bag in the other? Or would you like two separate bags? (ビニール袋は重ねますか?それとも、別々に持って帰りますか?)
Would you like a bite of this? It’s really good! (これ一口食べてみませんか?すごく美味しいですよ!)
Would you like a blanket? (毛布を使いますか?)
Would you like our breakfast special? (モーニングサービスはいかがですか?)
Would you like a high chair? (子供用の椅子をご利用になられますか?)
“Would you like more coffee?” “Oh sorry, I have to go now. I have work at 7.” (「コーヒーのおかわりはいかがですか?」「あ、すみません。もう行かなくちゃ。7時に仕事がありますので」)
“Would you like some coffee?” “Oh, I’m okay, thanks.” (「コーヒーはいかがですか?」「あ、大丈夫、ありがとう」)
What color would you like today? (今日は何色にする?)
We’ll all make matching T shirts together, what color would you like? (みんなでお揃いのTシャツを作るのですが、何色がいいですか?)
Would you like all the combinations in the same color? (全て同じ色の組み合わせでよろしいですか?)
Would you like cream and sugar? (ミルクと砂糖はおつけしますか?)
“Oh uh, can I get this gift wrapped?” “Sure of course sir. Which design would you like?” (「すみません、それをギフト用に包んでもらえますか?」「はい、かしこまりました。どのデザインがよろしいですか?」)
Would you like a drink? (お飲み物はいかがでしょうか?)
Which floor would you like? (何階ですか?)
“So, which frame would you like?” “Wow, there are so many choices. It’s hard to choose.” (「どのフレームがよろしいですか?」「わぁ、たくさんあるな。選ぶのが難しいよ」)
Would you like it written vertically? Or written horizontally? (縦書きにする?横書きにする?)
Then would you like it on another day? (それでは別の日のほうがよろしいですか?)
Would you like another glass of wine? (ワインのおかわりはいかがですか?)
Would you like an ice pack with it? (保冷剤をおつけしますか?)
Would you like some ketchup? (ケチャップは使いますか?)
Would you like a massage? (マッサージしましょうか?)
Would you like your money back in cash? Or would you like to cancel the credit card payment? (現金での払い戻しがよろしいですか?それともクレジットカードの支払いのキャンセルがよろしいですか?)
Would you like mustard? (マスタードは入れますか?)
Would you like milk and sugar with your coffee? (コーヒーにミルクと砂糖はお付けしますか?)
What name would you like on the invoice? (領収書の宛名はいかがなさいますか?)
Would you like one of our Chinese speaking staff to assist you? (当店の中国人スタッフをお呼びしましょうか?)
Would you like a receipt? (レシートはご利用なさいますか?)
Would you like a refill? (飲み物のおかわりはいかがですか?)
It’s starting to rain, so would you like a ride? (雨が降ってきたので、よかったらうちの車に乗っていきませんか?)
Would you like a salad with that? (サラダを追加しますか?)
There is a seat available at the counter. Would you like a seat there? (カウンター席でしたら空いてますが、どうしますか?)
Would you like a shampoo? (シャンプーしますか?)
Which size would you like? (サイズはどれにしますか?)
Would you like some? (いります?)
You can have as much bread as you like! Would you like some? (パンはおかわり自由です!お持ちしましょうか?)
Would you like something to drink while you wait? (お待ちの間、お飲み物はいかがですか?)
Would you like something to drink? Perhaps tea? (何かお茶でも飲みますか?)
What souvenir would you like from Japan? Is there anything that you want from Japan? (日本からのお土産は何が良い?日本からのお土産で何か欲しいものある?)
Would you like some sugar? (砂糖いれますか?)
Would you like sugar in your coffee? How much would you like? (コーヒーに砂糖は入れますか?いくついりますか?)
Would you like sugar and milk in your coffee? (コーヒーにお砂糖やミルクはご利用ですか?)
Would you like a table if one becomes available? (もし席が空いたら案内しましょうか?)
Would you like some Takoyaki? (たこ焼きいかがですか?)
Would you like that for here, or to go? (ここで食べますか?それともお持ち帰りされますか?)
Would you like that to go? (これお持ち帰りされますか?)
Would you like that in a cup or cone? (コーンとカップどちらでお作りいたしますか?)
Would you like them wrapped together or separately? (まとめてラッピングしますか?それとも1つずつですか?)
Would you like this heated? (こちらの商品は温めますか?)
Would you like any toppings? (トッピングは何かおつけいたしますか?)
Would you like some fresh towels? (新しいタオルはいかがですか?)
Would you like some water? (お水をお持ちしましょうか?)
Would you like water or tea? (水とお茶どちらがよろしいですか?)
“Would you like a window seat or aisle seat?” “I’d like an aisle seat please.” (「窓側か通路側どちらの席がよろしいでしょうか?」「通路側の席でお願いします」)
以上、丁寧に相手に何かを勧める〔Would you like something?(何かはいかがですか?)〕の表現を紹介しました。