garbage(〔名〕ごみ) / trash(〔名〕ごみ) / rubbish(〔名〕ごみ) / litter(〔名〕ごみ) / waste(〔名〕ごみ)
- 『ゴミ』とは、物のくず、不要になったもの、役にたたないものなどをいいます。
garbage bag(ゴミ袋) / trash bag(ゴミ袋) / rubbish bag(ゴミ袋) / trash can(ゴミ箱) / trash box(ゴミ箱) / garbage pick up(ゴミ拾い) /garbage collection(ゴミ収集) / trash collection(ゴミ収集) / a garbage truck(ゴミ収集車) / a dustcart(ゴミ収集車) / a garbage person(ゴミ収集人) / a garbage collector(ゴミ収集人) / bulky waste(粗大ゴミ) / collection place for bulky waste(粗大ゴミ置き場) / a dumping ground(ゴミ捨て場) / garbage dump(ゴミ捨て場) / rubbish dump(ゴミ捨て場)
ゴミを出す take out the garbage / take out the trash / take the garbage out / throw out the garbage / put out the garbage
ゴミを分別する sort the garbage / separate the garbage
ゴミを捨てる dump trash / dump garbage / throw away garbage / drop litter
ゴミを拾う pick up trash
ゴミを持ち帰る take one’s trash home / take one’s garbage home
ゴミがたまる trash collects / trash accumulates
ゴミが出る produce garbage
ゴミになる become trash / be thrown away as trash
ゴミを集める/収集する collect garbage / pick up garbage
ゴミが回収される garbage gets picked up
ゴミを焼却する incinerate garbage
ゴミをあさる rummage through the garbage / scavenge through garbage
<何か>をゴミ箱に捨てる throw <something> in the garbage
⑴ It’s my job to take out the garbage every morning. (毎朝ゴミを出すのは、私の役目だ)
⑵ I was warned by the landlord to sort my garbage. (きちんとゴミを分別するようにと大家さんから注意された)
⑶ Make sure that you take your own trash home. (自分で出したゴミは必ず持ち帰ってください)
⑷ Please throw it in the garbage. (ゴミ箱に捨ててください)
⑸ Would you take out the trash? (ゴミを外に出してくれませんか?)
⑹ I forgot to take out the trash this morning. (今朝、ゴミを出すのを忘れた)
⑺ Could you take out the trash? (ゴミを出しててもらえますか?)
⑻ I’m going to take out the garbage. Want to come along? (ゴミを出してくるよ。一緒に行く?)
⑼ Should I separate the garbage? (ゴミは分別したほうがいい?)
⑽ Would you like me to throw out the garbage? (ゴミを出しましょうか?)
⑾ When do you take out the garbage? (ゴミ出しの日はいつなの?)
⑿ You can’t throw away garbage here. (ここにゴミを捨ててはいけませんよ)
⒀ Please take your garbage home with you. (ゴミは各自でお持ち帰りください)
⒁ Please separate the garbage. (ゴミは分別してください)
⒂ Could you help me out with taking out the garbage? (ゴミ出しを手伝ってくれますか?)
⒃ I’m going to take out the garbage so could you watch the kids for a moment? (ゴミ出しに行きたいからちょっとの間この子をみてて)
⒄ I took out the garbage today by mistake. (ゴミ出しの日間違えて出してしまったわ)
⒅ Why don’t we take turns each week taking out the garbage? (ゴミ出しに行くのは1週間おきに交代でしない?)
⒆ Do you want me to take out the trash? (ゴミ出しておこうか?)
⒇ My dog has a habit of rummaging through the garbage. (うちの犬はゴミをあさる癖がある)
⑴ Oh yeah! I have to take out the garbage today! (あ!今日ゴミ出ししなきゃ)
⑵ It’s his job to take out the trash. (ゴミ出しは彼の仕事だ)
⑶ Every Tuesday and Friday, our trash gets picked up, so we usually take our garbage out the night before. (毎週火曜日と金曜日にゴミが回収されるから、前日の夜のうちに捨てにいく)
⑷ Please take your own garbage home. (自分のゴミは家に持ち帰ること)
⑸ The garbage has already been collected today, it says so right here. (今日のゴミの収集は終わったよって、ここに書いてあるよ)
⑹ Do you know where the garbage can is? If you don’t know, I’ll show you. (ゴミ箱のある場所を知っていますか?もししらないなら案内しますよ)
⑺ Please go out and buy the city-designated garbage bags. (市が指定しているゴミ袋を買ってきてください)
⑻ This is the collection place for bulky waste. (粗大ゴミ置き場はここです)
⑼ Garbage collections are made twice a week. (ゴミの回収は週2回行われます)
⑽ Don’t dump your garbage in the river. (川にゴミを捨てないで)
⑾ Don’t forget to put out the garbage tomorrow. (明日忘れずにゴミを出してね)
⑿ They collect our garbage every Monday. (毎週月曜日にゴミを集めにくる)
⒀ Please separate garbage according to type and put it outside. (ゴミは分別して外に出してください)
⒁ Children scavenge through garbage. (子供たちがゴミあさりをする)