relationship(関係) / relation(関係) / connection(関係)
- 『関係』とは、物事の間に何らかのかかわりがあること、また、そのかかわりのことです。
international relations(国際関係) / family relationship(家族関係) / family connections(家族関係) / a parent-child relationship(親子の関係) / diplomatic relations(外交関係) / a good relationship(良い関係) / a business relationship(取引関係) / business relations(取引関係) / business connection(取引関係) / a customer relationship(顧客との関係) / an employee relationship(従業員との関係) / a personal relationship(人間関係) / a human relationship(人間関係) / a strategic relationship(戦略的提携関係) / a trusting relationship(信頼関係) / a working relationship(仕事の協力関係) / a romantic relationship(恋人関係) / a marital relationship(夫婦関係) / a casual relationship(カジュアルな関係) / an iffy relationship(あやふやな関係) / a long distance relationship(遠距離恋愛の関係) / a serious relationship(真剣な関係) / a physical relationship(体の関係) / an uncommitted relationship(割り切った関係) / an awkward relationship(微妙な関係) / a superficial relationship(表面的な関係) / a harmonious relationship(仲の良い関係) / an intimate relationship(親密な関係) / a relation of the second degree(二親等の関係) / a fractured relationship(亀裂の入った関係) / a fruitful relationship(実りのある関係)
良い関係を持つ have a good relationship / have a great relationship
関係を築く build a relationship / build up a relationship / form a relationship / create a relationship / forge a relationship
関係を深める develop a relationship / cultivate relations
関係を打ち立てる establish a relationship
関係を保つ/維持する maintain a relationship / keep a relationship
関係を続ける continue one’s relationship
関係を悪化させる sour a relationship
関係が続く one’s relationship continues
関係が上手くいく one’s relationship goes well
関係を絶つ leave the relationship
恋愛の関係にある be in a (romantic) relationship
恋愛の関係になる get into a (romantic) relationship / go into a (romantic) relationship / enter into a (romantic) relationship
恋愛関係を終える end one’s (romantic) relationship
恋愛関係を終わる one’s (romantic) relationship is over
恋愛関係が自然消滅する one’s (romantic) relationship fades away
<人>と恋愛関係にある be in a relationship with <someone>
<人>と恋愛の関係になりたい want a (romantic) relationship with <someone>
<何か>と関係がある be connected with <something> / be connected to <something> / be related to <something> / relate to <something> / have connection with <something>
<何か>と密接に関係している be closely related to <something>
<何か>と関係がない have no relation to <something> / have no connection with <something> / be not connected to <something> / have nothing to do with <something> / don’t have anything to do with <something> / be irrelevant to <something> / be unrelated to <something> / be external to <something>
⑴ To build a trusting relationship, it’s important to constantly communicate with each other. (信頼関係を築くためには、粘り強く話し合いをすることが大切です)
⑵ I’m hoping to build a good relationship with you. (あなた方といい関係を築けることを願っています)
⑶ I just want to make this iffy relationship clear... please tell me what you’re really thinking. (曖昧な関係をはっきりさせたいから...あなたの本当の気持ちを聞かせてほしい)
⑷ Are we in a relationship now? (私たちって、付き合ってるのかしら?)
⑸ In order for us to have a good relationship, I need to start growing up. (あなたと良い関係を築いていくためには私自身が成長していかなくてはならない)
⑹ I’m not that young anymore. So if I were to get into a relationship, I would think about marriage. (私はもういい年齢です。だから付き合うなら結婚を考えている)
⑺ I don’t want to get hurt, so I don’t want to get into a deep romantic relationship. (傷つくのが嫌だから恋愛に深入りしたくない)
⑻ I haven’t been in a relationship for a while... I want butterflies in my stomach again. (最近、恋愛はご無沙汰で...あぁ、ときめきが欲しいなぁ)
⑼ Are you in a relationship with Mike? (マイクと付き合っているの?)
⑽ I think we have a great relationship. (私たちの関係は素敵だと思う)
⑾ I don’t want us to end our relationship without working out our misunderstandings. (お互いに誤解したまま関係が終わるのは嫌です)
⑿ I still want a relationship with you. (それでもあなたと付き合いたい)
⒀ I want to build a relationship on mutual respect. (私はお互い尊敬できる関係を作りたい)
⒁ I never thought that an uncommitted relationship would make me feel so sad. (割り切った関係がこんなに悲しいとは思わなかった)
⒂ I think it’s important to take your time to build a relationship. (ゆっくりと関係を育んでいくことは、大事なことだと思う)
⒃ You’re very attractive, but I didn’t contact you in the hopes of getting into a romantic relationship. (あなたはとても魅力的だけど私はあなたと恋愛関係になりたくて連絡をしたわけではなかったの)
⒄ What is it you want to do in the end? Do you want to end our relationship? (結局あなたはどうしたいの?私たちの関係を終わらせたいの?)
⒅ I don’t want to go into a relationship knowing that it’ll end. (最初から終わるって知ってて付き合いたくない)
⒆ Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship? (遠距離恋愛したことある?)
⒇ I want to have a deeper relationship with you. (もっとあなたと深い関係になりたい)
⑴ I don’t think our relationship is going well. (私は、あなたとの関係がうまくいってるとは思えない)
⑵ Let’s keep this relationship as it is for a while, and if you really can’t stand it anymore, let’s break up. (しばらくこのまま付き合って、あなたがどうしても無理と思った時、別れよう)
⑶ I was able to build a good relationship with my teachers, so my English improved, and I gained confidence. (先生たちと良い信頼関係が築けたから、私の英語力は伸びることが出来たし、自信も持てました)
⑷ Do you want to end our relationship? (私たちの関係は終わりにしない?)
⑸ They used to be in a relationship, but now, they’re just friends. (彼らは以前、恋人同士だったけど、今は友達としてつきあっている)
⑹ I have an awkward relationship with her. (彼女とは微妙な関係だ)
⑺ I need to make up my mind whether to enter into a relationship with him or not. (彼と付き合うかどうかをそろそろ決めなきゃいけない)
⑻ So you’re a painful human being who can only form superficial relationships. (あなたは、上辺だけの薄っぺらな人間関係しか築けない可哀想な人なんですね)
⑼ You really only want a physical relationship with me, don’t you...? (あなたはわたしのこと、ほんとに体の関係としか見てないよね...)
⑽ I’d like to form relationships with people not only through work, but also through volunteer activities. (人間関係は特定の仕事のみだけではなく、ボランティア活動や交流などで築いていきたい)
⑾ I’m getting tired of continuing our relationship over the phone. (だらだら電話で話すだけの関係を続けて、飽きてきちゃった)
⑿ Let’s build up a good relationship with the client by then. (その時までに顧客と良い関係を構築しましょう)
⒀ The two incidents are closely connected with each other. (その2つの事件には密接な関係がある)
⒁ Your answer has no relation to the question. (君の答えはその問題と何の関係もない)
⒂ The President emphasized that the two nations are creating a normal relationship. (大統領は両国が正常な関係を築きつつあると強調した)
⒃ Most people are external to these activities. (多くの人々はそれらの活動に関係がない)
⒄ Leaving the relationship does not mean that the battering will stop. (関係を絶てば暴力が止むというわけではない)
⒅ The dispute is not directly connected to the negotiations. (その紛争は交渉とは直接関係してない)
⒆ By extending the courtesy of a phone call to my clients, I was building a personal relationship with them. (顧客に丁重な電話をかけることにより、私は彼らとの個人的関係を築いていた)
⒇ Poor educational performance is related to emotional disturbance. (学業の不振は情緒障害と関係がある)
⑴ Evidently, it has nothing to do with social background. (明らかにそれは社会的背景とは何の関係もない)
⑵ The Prime minister is determined to forge a good relationship with the country’s new leader. (首相はその国の新しい指導者とよい関係を築き上げることを決意している)
⑶ If anything sours the relationship, it is likely to be real differences in their world-views. (彼らの関係をだめにするものがあるとすれば、それは世界観における実質的な違いだろう)
⑷ Frank has developed an unhealthy relationship with these people. (フランクはこの人たちと不健全な関係を築いていた)
⑸ I have yet to establish a good working relationship with my boss. (私は上司との協力関係がまだうまくいっていない)