newspaper(新聞) / paper(新聞)
- 『新聞』とは、社会の出来事について事実や解説を広く伝える定期刊行物のことです。
a local newspaper(地方紙) / a national newspaper(全国紙) / a daily newspaper(日刊新聞) / a weekly newspaper(週刊新聞) / an online newspaper(オンライン新聞) / a newspaper article(新聞記事) / a newspaper ad(新聞広告) / a newspaper report(新聞報道) / a newspaper reporter(新聞記者) / a newspaper clipping(新聞の切り抜き) / newspaper delivery(新聞配達) / a newspaper deliverer(新聞配達人) / a newspaper carrier(新聞配達人) / tabloid newspaper(タブロイド紙) / a newsstand(新聞売り場) / a newspaper company(新聞社) / a sports newspaper(スポーツ新聞) / today’s newspaper(今日の新聞) / a news paper commentary(新聞の解説記事) / the official circulation of the newspaper(新聞の公称部数) / a newspaper clipping(新聞の切り抜き) / a newspaper cutting(新聞の切り抜き) / a newspaper headline(新聞の見出し) / a two-day-old newspaper(2日前の新聞) / a newspaper from two days ago (2日前の新聞) / a paper route(新聞配達区域)
新聞を発行する issue a newspaper
新聞を読む read a newspaper
新聞を丹念に読む read a newspaper carefully
<何か>を新聞で見る read <something> in the newspaper / see <something> in the newspaper
<何か>を新聞を読んで知る read about <something> in the newspaper / learn of <something> from the newspaper / read in the paper <that ~>
新聞を取る/購読する subscribe to a newspaper
新聞を買う buy a newspaper
新聞を広げる open a newspaper
新聞に目を通す look through the paper / browse a newspaper
ちょっと新聞に目を通す glance at the paper / glance through the paper
新聞にざっと目を通す skim through a newspaper / take a casual glance at the paper
新聞記事にざっと目を通す scan newspaper articles
新聞に出ている be in the paper
新聞に載る appear in newspapers
新聞が<何か>を載せる newspapers carry <something> / newspapers report <something>
新聞が<何か>を発表する newspapers announce <something>
<何か>を新聞で発表する announce <something> in the papers
新聞が<何か>の記事を載せている newspapers carry the story of <something>
新聞が<何か>の記事を1面に載せる the newspaper put the story of <something> on their front page / the newspaper frontpage the story of <something>
新聞に原稿を書く write for a newspaper
新聞に毎週寄稿する write a weekly column for the newspaper
新聞に広告を掲載する run an ad in a paper
新聞に広告を出す put an ad in the newspaper / place an ad in the newspaper
新聞で<何か>を宣伝する advertise <something> in the newspapers / put an advertisement for <something> in the newspapers
新聞の記事を切り抜く clip an article from a newspaper / cut out an article from a paper
新聞の記事を切り抜いてノートに貼る clip an article out of the newspaper and paste it in a notebook
新聞の写真を切り抜く cut a picture out of the newspaper / clip a picture out of the newspaper
新聞を半分に破る tear a newspaper in half / tear a newspaper in two
新聞を束にする bundle newspapers / tie up newspapers in a bundle
新聞にビラを折り込む insert bills in the newspaper / insert bills into the newspaper
(家々に)新聞を配る deliver newspaper (to houses)
新聞配達をする do a paper round / have a paper round
新聞紙で<何か>を包む wrap <something> in newspaper
<何か>についての新聞報道 newspaper reports of <something>
新聞で読んだ<何か> <something> I read in the newspaper
新聞による<何か>の暴露 the newspaper’s exposure of <something> / the newspaper’s disclosure of <something>
<何か>が新聞でひどく叩かれる <something> is harshly attacked in the newspaper / <something> is severely criticized in the newspaper
<何か>が新聞で取り上げられる <something> get a mention in the paper
新聞が<何か>を大きく取り上げる newspapers played up <something> / newspapers give <something> front page attention
<何か>が新聞で大々的に取り上げられる <something> is featured in the newspapers / <something> is given a lot of coverage in the newspapers
今日の新聞によると today’s paper says / according to today’s newspaper
新聞のその記事によると、 according to the story in the newspaper / according to the article in the newspaper
⑴ What newspaper do you read? (何新聞を読んでいますか?)
⑵ I didn’t have time to look through the paper this morning. (今朝は、新聞に目を通す暇がなかった)
⑶ The ad for the new book was in today’s paper. (その新刊の広告が、今日の新聞に出ていた)
⑷ This newspaper is widely read. (この新聞は広く読まれている)
⑸ I scanned the front-page headlines in the newspaper. (新聞の第1面の見出しにざっと目を通した)
⑹ I read in the paper that he committed suicide. (彼が自殺したことを新聞で読んで知った)
⑺ The newspaper carried a critical editorial about US foreign policy. (その新聞は米国の外交政策に批判的な社説を載せた)
⑻ Newspapers announced the Nobel Prize winners. (新聞がノーベル賞受賞者を発表した)
⑼ Traffic accidents have become so common that newspapers rarely report them. (交通事故が当たり前すぎて、新聞にあまり載らなくなってしまった)
⑽ The bribery case was featured in the newspapers. (その汚職事件は新聞で大々的に取り上げられた)