今回は、丁寧な提案および相手の希望を確認する〔Would you like to do?(もしよければしませんか?/したいですか?)〕の表現についてまとめました。

〔Would you like to do?〕を含む例文・フレーズ a ~ n
〔Would you like to do?〕の〔do〕が表す、提案の内容または相手の希望に関係する動詞のバリエーションに注目し、様々な場面で〔Would you like to do?〕を使えるようになりましょう!

Would you like to add some water to that? (水割りでよろしいですか?)
“Would you like to be a guest on my show next week?” “Of course! I’d be honored!” (「来週、私の番組にゲストとして出演して頂けませんか?」「もちろん!大変光栄です!」)
Would you like to be a CEO in the future? (将来、社長になりたいですか?)
What would you like to be in the future? (将来何になりたいですか?)
What kind of person would you like to become? (あなたはどんな人になりたい?)
Would you like to bring it to your new place? Or are you going to leave it here? (これは新居に持っていきますか?それともここに置いていきますか?)
Would you like to buy some strawberries? (イチゴ買いませんか?)
Which would you like to buy? (どれを買われます?)
How many would you like to buy? (いくつ買いますか?)
Would you like your money back in cash? Or would you like to cancel the credit card payment? (現金での払い戻しがよろしいですか?それともクレジットカードの支払いのキャンセルがよろしいですか?)
You don’t have enough left in your card, would you like to charge it? (カードの残高が不足していますが、チャージしますか?)
Would you like to chat for a bit? (良かったら少し話をしない?)
Would you like to chat? (私とチャットしない?)
“Hey, I’ve got an extra ticket for that Google seminar next week.” “Oh, really?” “Yeah, so... would you like to come with me?” (「来週のGoogleセミナーのチケットが1枚余ってるんですよ」「お、そうなの?」「うん、もしよければ一緒に行かない?」)
Would you like to come to a tacos party at my place sometime soon? (もしよかったら、今度私の家でタコスパーティーをしませんか?)
Would you like to come to my place again when the children aren’t home? (子供がまたいない時、あなたは私の家にまた来たいですか?)
Would you like to come along? (あなたも私と一緒に行きますか?)
Would you like to come over to my place? (あなたがよければ、私の家に遊びに来ませんか?)
Would you like to come over to my house sometime? Let’s have tea or something. (もし時間が空いている時があったら、今度家に来ませんか?お茶でも飲みましょう)
Would you like to do a language exchange? (言語交換しませんか?)
What would you like to do when you come to Japan? (あなたは、日本に来たら何をしてみたいですか?)
I have a question for you all. Once you’re able to speak English fluently, what would you like to do the most? (私から皆さんにお聞きします。もしあなたが英語がペラペラに話せるようになったら1番何をしてみたいですか?)
If you were my boyfriend, what would you do? What would you like to do? (もしあなたが私の彼氏になったら何をする?何をしたい?)
If you became tall, what would you like to do first? (背が高くなったらまず何したい?)
What would you like to drink? (何を飲みますか?)
Would you like to eat half of this with me together? (これを半分こして、2人で食べない?)
How much would you like to eat? (どれくらい食べますか?)
What would you like to eat? (あなたは何を食べますか?)
When you come to Japan, what would you like to eat first? (あなたは日本に来て初めに何を食べたいですか?)
Would you like to exchange LINE IDs? (もしよかったらLINEのID交換しませんか?)
Would you like to get to know each other through LINE first, and then start writing letters later on? (少しLINEでお話しして仲良くなってから手紙交換を始めませんか?)
They both look good on you. Would you like to get them both? (両方とも似合っています。よかったら2つともいかがですか?)
Would you like to gift wrap this? (プレゼント包装はいたしますか?)
Would you like to go see a movie? (映画を見に行きませんか?)
If you’re free tomorrow night, would you like to go see a movie together? There’s a movie I want to see. (明日の夜、予定がなかったら一緒に映画観に行きませんか?観たい映画があるの)
Would you like to go out for dinner tonight? (今夜、ご飯に行きませんか?)
Would you like to go out for dinner or something? (僕と一緒にご飯でもいきませんか?)
Would you like to go out to eat? (外へ食事に行きませんか?)
Would you like to go out to eat sometime? (今度ご飯食べに行きませんか?)
Would you like to go get a coffee or something? (お茶でも飲みに行きませんか?)
Would you like to go to a cafe? (カフェに行きませんか?)
Would you like to go drinking with me next time? (もしよければ、今度私と一緒に飲みに行きませんか?)
Would you like to go out for drinks? (良かったら一緒に飲みませんか?)
If you have free time, would you like to go together? (もしあなたが暇なら、一緒に行きませんか?)
Would you like to go drinking tomorrow? (明日、飲みに行かない?)
Would you like to go out to eat tomorrow after work? (明日仕事のあとご飯食べに行きますか?)
Would you like to go there and take a look? (よろしければそこに見に行かれたらどうですか?)
There’s a bar that I want to go to, would you like to go there with me next time? (行きたい居酒屋さんがあるんだけど、今度一緒に行きませんか?)
Would you like to go out with us for lunch or dinner? (もし良かったら、また私たちとランチかディナーに行きませんか?)
Would you like to go out with us for lunch on Thursday this week? (来週の木曜日に私たちと一緒にランチに行きませんか?)
Would you like to go to a café with me afterwards? (僕とこの後カフェに行きませんか?)
Would you like to go to the market with me? (一緒にマーケットへ行きませんか?)
I want to throw this out, okay? Would you like to go together? (これを捨てたいんですけど、いいですか?一緒に行かない?)
Would you like to go to the exhibition, too? (あなたも一緒に展覧会見ますか?)
Would you like to go for a drive with me in my convertible? (俺と一緒にオープンカーでドライブしない?)
Would you like to go out for drinks at the end of next month? What’s your schedule like? (来月末、もしあなたさえ良かったら飲みに行きませんか?予定はどうですか?)
If you don’t have anything planned for winter vacation, would you like to go to Japan with me? (冬休み予定がなければ、一緒に日本に行かない?)
Where would you like to go? I’ll take you there if that’s okay with you! (あなたはどこに行きたいの?あなたがよければ、私がそこまで道案内するよ!)
Where would you like to go? (あなたはどこに行きたいんですか?)
Which nationality would you like to go out with? (どこの国の人と付き合いたいですか?)
Where would you like to go sightseeing next Sunday? (日曜日は観光にどこへ行ってみたいですか?)
Would you like to grind the coffee beans? (コーヒーの豆は挽きますか?)
“Would you like to have lessons on Fridays too?” “Oh sorry, I can’t. I can only come at this time.” (「金曜日もレッスンを受けませんか?」「ごめんなさい、できません。この時間帯しか来れません」)
Would you like to have your drink before your meal, with your meal, or after your meal? (お飲み物は、お先にお持ちしてよろしいですか?それともお食事とご一緒か、食後にしますか?)
Would you like to have some? I don’t need so much. (これ食べますか?こんなに要らないので)
Would you like to have dinner together? (よかったらご夕飯ご一緒しませんか?)
Would you like to have lunch with me on the 11th? (11日のお昼休み一緒にランチしない?)
Would you like to have it delivered? Or would you like to take it home with you? (配送にしますか?それとも持ち帰りますか?)
Would you like to have a cake with that as well? They’re all homemade. (ご一緒にケーキはいかがですか?すべて手作りでございます)
How would you like to have your hair done today? (今日はどのようにしましょうか?)
What hair style would you like to have? (どんな髪型にしたいですか?)
What time would you like to have dinner? (夕食の時間は何時が良いですか?)
What kind of romantic relationship would you like to have? (あなたは恋愛でどんな付き合いをしたいですか?)
Would you like to heat this up? (こちらは温めますか?)
Would you like to hold the dog? (わんちゃん抱っこされますか?)
Would you like to join me? (一緒にやりませんか?)
I’m sightseeing on my own. Would you like to join me? (一人で観光しています。よかったらご一緒しませんか?)
There’s going to be a fireworks festival that day, so if you don’t mind crowds, would you like to join me? (その日に花火大会があるんだけど、人ごみが嫌いじゃなかったら一緒に行きませんか?)
We’re having a party tonight, would you like to join us? (今夜みんなでパーティーをするのですが、いらっしゃいませんか?)
I’m going out to eat with my younger sister and her husband. Would you like to join us? (この後、妹夫婦と食事に行くのですが、もしよかったらご一緒にどうですか?)
We’re going to go out for some Indian food tomorrow. Would you like to join us? (明日、私たちはインド料理を食べに行きます。あなたも一緒にどうですか?)
Would you like to join to my party? (私が幹事の飲み会に参加しませんか?)
Would you like to keep looking around? (まだ他に店内をご覧になりますか?)
Would you like to keep your bag here? (あなたはこちらでバッグを預かりますか?)
What would you like to know about Japanese culture? (日本のどのような文化に興味がある?)
He’s not in right now. Would you like to leave a message? (彼は今出かけています。なにか伝言をお預かりしましょうか?)
He’s not at his desk at the moment. Would you like to leave him a message? (彼は今席を外しております。なにか伝言をお預かりしましょうか?)
Would you like to leave your bags with me? (お荷物を預かりましょうか?)
Would you like to live in America someday? (いつかアメリカに住んでみたいですか?)
Would you like to look at the other floors as well? (他のフロアもご覧になられますか?)
Would you like to look around some more? (もっと店内をご覧になりますか?)
Would you like to make a reservation for another day? (他の日にご予約をお取りしましょうか?)
Would you like to make an appointment? (ご予約のお電話ですか?)
When would you like to make a reservation? (いつのご予約ですか?)
How would you like to make use of this experience in the future? (この経験を将来にどう生かしたいですか?)
How would you like to make your payment on the credit card? (クレジットカードのお支払い方法はどうしますか?)
Would you like to meet up sometime? I’ll buy you lunch. (今度会いませんか?ランチならおごりますよ)
〔Would you like to do?〕を含む例文・フレーズ o ~ z
Would you like to order drinks first? (よろしければお先にお飲み物お伺いいたしましょうか?)
Would you like to order now? Or would you like to wait until your friend comes? (今注文されますか?それともご友人を待たれますか?)
“Would you like to pay in a single payment?” “No, in two payments please.” (「お支払いは一括でよろしいですか?」「いいえ、二回でお願いします」)
Would you like to pay all together? Or separately? (お会計はご一緒にされますか?別々にしますか?)
Would you like to pay in one payment or multiple payment? (一括にしますか?分割にしますか?)
Would you like to pay together or separately? (お会計はご一緒ですか?別々にされますか?)
In how many installments would you like to pay? (お支払い方法はいかがなさいますか?)
In how much payments would you like to pay? (支払い回数は何回ですか?)
How would you like to pay for it? (支払い方法はどうされますか?)
Would you like to pre-order it? (その商品の予約をしますか?)
Would you like to play basketball with us? (俺たちとバスケしない?)
The belt for this suitcase is sold separately. Would you like to purchase them together? (このスーツケースのベルトは別売りです。一緒に購入されますか?)
Would you like to put it on backorder? (よかったらお取り寄せしましょうか?)
Would you like to put it in a bag? (袋にいれますか?)
Would you like to put that in an envelope? (それ、封筒に入れましょうか?)
How would you like to receive it? (受け取り方法はどうしますか?)
What kind of gifts would you like to receive at the end of the year? (もらって嬉しいお歳暮は何ですか?)
How many days would you like to rent this DVD for? (こちらのDVDのご利用泊数はいかがなさいますか?)
When would you like to schedule the next meeting? (次の会議はいつにしますか?)
Would you like to see the menu? (よろしければ、メニューをご覧になりますか?)
Would you like to see it again? (もう一度ご覧になりますか?)
Would you like to see a movie tonight? (今夜映画を観ませんか?)
This room is still being renovated and is still a little dirty, but would you like to see it? (こちらのお部屋はまだ修繕中のため、まだ汚い状態かもしれませんがご見学されますか?)
Which fortune teller would you like to see? (どちらの占い師に占ってもらいたいですか?)
Would you like to send all the products together in one shipment? (商品はまとめて配送しますか?)
Would you like to sit? (座りますか?)
Would you like to sit here? (ここに座る?)
Would you like to sit at the back? Or would you like to sit near the entrance? (奥の席に座らない?それか手前の方がいい?)
Would you like to sit down? (お席にお座りになりますか?)
“So uh... would you like to stay for dinner?” “Oh, no that’s okay thanks. I don’t want to be a bother.” (「よかったら、うちで夕飯を食べて行かない?」「えっ、いや、大丈夫ですよ。迷惑になるので」)
Would you like to stay over tonight? (今晩はお泊りになってはいかがですか?)
With whom would you like to speak to? (どなたにおかけですか?)
This is ABC Corporation. Whom would you like to speak with? (こちらはABCコーポレーションです。恐れ入りますが、どちらにおかけですか?)
What would you like to start with? Soup or salad? Or perhaps a beer? (何から始める?スープそれともサラダ?もしかしてビール?)
Would you like to swap seats? (よろしければ、席代わりましょうか?)
Would you like to take the leftovers home with you? (残りは持ち帰りますか?)
Would you like to take some of the leftovers back home? (残った食べ物、良かったら少し持って帰る?)
Would you like to take a picture with us? (私たちと一緒に写真撮りませんか?)
Would you like to have it delivered? Or would you like to take it home with you? (配送にしますか?それとも持ち帰りますか?)
Would you like to take the TOEIC test sometime around October? (10月頃にTOEIC受けませんか?)
Would you like to talk on the phone? (電話で話しませんか?)
Would you like to talk for a while? (少しお話ししませんか?)
Would you like to talk to me? (よければ私と話しませんか?)
Would you like to talk sometime when you have time? (今度時間があれば電話しませんか?)
Would you like to talk over the phone? (もしよかったら電話しませんか?)
Who would you like to talk to? (誰と話しをしたいのですか?)
Who would you like to thank? (もし感謝を伝えるなら誰に伝えますか?)
Would you like to thin out your hair? (髪の毛はすきますか?)
Would you like to try a sample? (ご試食いかがですか?)
Would you like to try this cake? It’s soft and delicious. (このケーキのご飲食いかがですか?しっとりしていて、おいしいですよ)
Would you like to try it on? (試着されますか?)
Which size would you like to try on first? (どちらのサイズから試してみますか?)
Would you like to use it right away? (すぐに使いますか?)
Would you like to use the restroom? (トイレに行きますか?)
Would you like to use this table? We’re done. (このテーブルどうぞ。私たちは済みましたから)
Would you like to use this? (よろしければ、これ使いますか?)
Would you like to use this chair? I’m not using it, so please go ahead. (この椅子を使いますか?余ってるんで、いいですよ)
Which shipping company would you like to use to send your package? (どちらの配送会社で荷物を発送したいですか?)
It doesn’t look like she’s here yet. Would you like to wait here? (彼女はまだここに来ていないようです。しばらくここでお待ちになりますか?)
Would you like to order now? Or would you like to wait until your friend comes? (今注文されますか?それともご友人を待たれますか?)
Would you like to wear this right away? (こちらは着て行かれますか?)
You might get splashed, so would you like to wear a raincoat? (水しぶきがかかることがあるので、レインコートを使いますか?)
以上、丁寧な提案および相手の希望を確認する〔Would you like to do?(もしよければしませんか?/したいですか?)〕の表現を紹介しました。