今回は、相手の意志や予定を確認する表現〔Are you going to do?(するつもり?)〕についてまとめました。

Are you going to do?


〔Are you going to do?〕を含む例文・フレーズ

〔Are you going to do〕の〔do〕が表す、確認の対象となる行為を表す動詞のバリエーションに注目し、様々な場面で〔Are you going to do?〕を使えるようになりましょう!

Are you going to do?

Are you going to add him to your LINE as a friend? (あなたは彼を新しい友達として、LINEに追加しますか?)


Are you going to be okay doing something like that? (そんなことして大丈夫?)

It’s Halloween today!! What are you going to be for Halloween? (今日はハロウィン!!あなたは何の仮装するの?)

Are you going to be working late today? I don’t know, I’m kind of becoming a nag. (今日仕事は遅いの?何か、段々いやな女になってきた)

I think I can get home by 9pm, so I’m call you then! Are you going to be home today? (9時くらいまでには帰れると思うから、そしたら電話するね!今日は家にいる?)

Are you going to be working in Japan this year too? (今年も日本で働くの?)

How are you going to be busy, exactly? (具体的にどんな風に忙しくなるの?)

Are you going to be there that long? I thought you were going for just a short time. (そんなに長くいるの!!てっきり短期で言ったのかと思ってたよ)


How long are you going to behave like this? (いつまでそんな態度とるつもりなの?)


When are you going to build the closet? (いつタンス組み立ててくれるの?)


I left tonight open for you, but are you going to cancel again? (あなたのために今夜予定を空けたのに、またキャンセルなの?)


Which one are you going to choose? (あなたはどれを選ぶ?)


“I just need to get her attention.” “And how are you going to do that?” “I don’t know, but I’ll find a way.” (「彼女の注意を引くだけでいいんだ」「どうやってやるの?」「分からないけど、方法を見つけるさ」)

“What are you going to do after you graduate?” “I haven’t really thought about it. I kind of want to go traveling first.” (「卒業後はどうするの?」「まだよく考えてないけど。まずは、ちょっと旅行したいな」)

“Well, what are you going to do after you graduate?” “Uh, that’s a good question... yeah.” (「それで、卒業後は何をするの?」「あー、分からないな...うーん」)

“So what are you going to do after your teaching contract is over?” “Well, the original plan is to go back to Seattle, but nothing’s set in stone yet.” (「それで、教師の仕事の契約が終わった後はどうするの?」「まあ、当初の予定では、シアトルに帰るつもりだけど、でもまだ何も確定してない」)

“Man, your girlfriend is leaving for a year? What are you going to do?” “Well it’s still a month away, so I’ll worry about it then.” (「お前の彼女一年も行っちゃうの?お前どうするんだよ?」「まぁ、まだ一ヶ月先の事だから、その時に心配するよ」)

What are you going to do now? (今から何するの?)

What are you going to do today? (今日は何するの?)

What are you going to do? (君はどうするの?)

What are you going to do about it? (どうしてくれるん?)

Procrastinating will get you nowhere. When are you going to do it? Now’s the time, right? (先延ばしにすると良いことはない。じゃあいつやるのか?今でしょ!)

What exactly are you going to do? (具体的にはどんな事をするんですか?)

What are you going to do after class? (授業終わった後、どうする?)

Stop making excuses! Are you going to do it or not? (ごちゃごちゃ言うのはやめて!やるのかやらないのかどっちなの?)

What are you going to do about the cellphone and wallet that you lost? Are you going to get new ones? This is really terrible! (なくなった携帯と財布どうするの?新しいの買うの?本当にひどいね!)

What are you going to do in the future? (将来どうするの?)

What are you going to do next weekend? (来週末どうするの?)

What are you going to do once you get a master’s degree? (修士号を取ったら何をするの?)

What are you going to do once you go back home? (帰国後はどうする予定なの?)

What are you going to do for me? (あなたは私の為に何をしてくれるの?)

Are you going to do it by yourself? (自分でするの?)

What are you going to do after you graduate? (あなたは卒業後の進路はどうしますか?)

What are you going to do with the picture you took of me the other day? I want you to delete it. (この前撮った私の写真、持っていてどうするつもり?削除してほしい)

What are you going to do after graduating from high school? Are you going to go to university? (高校卒業したらどうするの?大学に行くの?)

What are you going to do after you graduate from university? (大学を卒業したら何をするの?)

What kind of work are you going to do this year? Will you be in any films? (今年あなたはどんな活動をしますか?映画に出演しますか?)

Why are you going to Tokyo on Sunday? What are you going to do there? (日曜日、東京に何しに行くの?何か用事あるの?)


Are you going to eat right now? (今すぐに食べますか?)


When are you going to enjoy it if not now? (今楽しまないでいつ楽しむの?)


Are you going to finish that pizza?” “Nope. It’s all yours.” (「残りのピザ食べる?」「いや、全部どうぞ」)

Are you going to finish your work on time today? (今日は会社定時上がりですか?)


“So, are you going to get a new smartphone?” “Uh, I’m still debating. It’s kind of expensive.” (「それで、新しいスマホ買うの?」「あぁ、まだ迷ってるんだ。ちょっと高いから」)

How are you going to get there? (どうやって行くの?)

How are you going to get home? (帰りはどうやって帰るの?)

How are you going to get to Tokyo from Osaka? (何を使って大阪から東京に移動しますか?)

Where are you going to get your internship? (あなたはどこでインターンシップを受けようと思ってますか?)

Are you going to get married? (結婚するの?)

How long have you two been going out? When are you going to get married? (どれくらい付き合ってるの?結婚の予定は?)

What are you going to get? ([レストランなどで]何にする?)

It’s almost Christmas. What are you going to get your girlfriend? (そろそろクリスマスだな。お前、彼女に何プレゼントすんの?)

Are you going to get a ride to the airport? If you’re going on your own, I want to see you off. (空港まで誰かに送ってもらうの?もし一人で向かうなら、見送りたい)

Are you going to get transferred this time? (あなたは今回転勤しちゃうの?)

Are you going to get Christmas presents for anyone? (あなたはクリスマスプレゼント、誰かにあげるの?)

What are you going to do about the cellphone and wallet that you lost? Are you going to get new ones? This is really terrible! (なくなった携帯と財布どうするの?新しいの買うの?本当にひどいね!)


What kind of lessons are you going to give? (どのような授業になるのでしょうか?)

give back

How are you going to give back the money? Tell me. In cash? (どうやってお金を返すの?説明して。現金?)


What are you going to go eat? (何を食べに行くの?)

When are you going to go buy the present? (プレゼントはいつ買いにいくの?)

Are you going to go there? Or did you already go? (そちらにはこれから行かれますか?もう行かれましたか?)

What time are you going to go to the ceremony tomorrow? (明日の式典には何時に行くつもり?)

How are you going to go home? By train or car? (帰りは電車と車どちらで帰りますか?)

What are you going to do after graduating from high school? Are you going to go to university? (高校卒業したらどうするの?大学に行くの?)

Are you going to go and see her again? You chat and talk on the phone with her a lot, don’t you? (また彼女の所に会いに行くの?彼女とよくチャットしたり電話したりするんでしょ?)

go out

Hey! Are you going to go out with Takuya? (あんた!タクヤ君と付き合う事にしたの?)


How long are you going to grow your hair? (あなたはどこまで髪を伸ばすのですか?)


What’s wrong with me being honest and saying I like you? Are you going to hate me for it? (好きだから正直に好きって言って何が悪いの?私のこと嫌いになる?)


Are you going to have dinner at home tonight? (今日の夜ご飯はお家で食べるの?)

What? Are you going to have me take care of your problem again? (何それ?また私にあなたの問題を押し付けるつもり?)

When are you going to have that cargo arrive at Narita? (その貨物は何時成田着のフライトで飛ばす予定ですか?)

Are you going to have a countdown party this year too? (今年もカウントダウンのパーティーはするの?)


Are you going to help me practice speaking English? (英会話の練習を手伝って頂けるんですか?)


How are you going to introduce me to your friends? (私のことを友達に何て紹介してくれるの?)


Are you going to join the event? (君はその行事に参加するつもりですか?)


How much longer are you going to keep me waiting? (あとどれくらい私を待たせるの?)

How long are you going to keep doing things like this? (こんなこといつまで続けるつもり?)

How long are you going to keep this up? (いつまでこんなことするの?)

Are you going to keep lying to me? (あなたはこのままずっと私に嘘をつき続けるの?)

How long are you going to keep bragging about that? (その自慢はいつまで続くの?)

You want to borrow money again? How long are you going to keep asking me for money? (また借金?いつまで私からお金借りるつもり?いい加減にして?)

How long are you going to keep acting like a girl? It’s embarrassing. (いつまで女子でいるつもりだよ。見てて痛いから)


Are you going to kill my potential, too? (私の可能性も殺す気ですか?)


Are you going to leave me hanging again? (また私をすっぼかすつもりなの?)

Are you going to leave this one here? (これはここに置いておくの?)

How long are you going to leave it like this? (いつまでこの状況を放っておくのですか?)

Would you like to bring it to your new place? Or are you going to leave it here? (これは新居に持っていきますか?それともここに置いていきますか?)


The photo you sent me isn’t you! How much are you going to lie to me? You’re the worst! Don’t ever contact me again! (あなたの送ってきた顔写真はあなたじゃない!どこまで嘘つくの?最低!二度と連絡してこないで)

lie down

How long are you going to lie down? (いつまで横になってるつもりなの?)


Where are you going to live after you get back to Tokyo? I hope you can come back soon! (東京戻ってきたらどこに住むの?早く戻ってこれるといいね!)


What are you going to major in? (専攻は何にするつもりですか?)


How many times are you going to make the same mistake? (同じこと何回繰り返すんだよ?)

How long are you going to make me wait? (どれだけ待たせるつもりなの?)

Are you going to make the decision? (それは、あなたが決めるの?)


Who are you going to marry? (あなたは誰と結婚するの?)

Wow! So, are you going to marry her in the future? (えぇ~!じゃあ将来、彼女と結婚するの?)


Are you going to move with her to LA, or just see each other every weekend?” “Yeah, I don’t know... it’s hard but we’ll work things out.” (「君も彼女と一緒にLAに引っ越すの?それとも週末だけ会うの?」「うん、どうしよう...大変だけど、でも二人で解決するよ」)

Where are you going to move that box? (あの箱はどこに移動するの?)


Are you going to post this photo on Twitter? (この写真Twitterに載せるの?)


Are you going to prepare the airport ticket? Thank you very much. (あなたが航空券を手配してくれるの?ありがとうございます。)


Are you going to put it next to that? (それのとなりに置くんですか?)

Are you going to put some avocados in the salad today? (今日はサラダにアボカドを入れるの?)


“So, are you going to rent this room?” “Uh, I’m on the fence. It’s a really nice place, but it’s so far from work.” (「で、この部屋借りるの?」「うーん、まだ迷ってる。とってもいい所だけど、職場から遠いんだよな」)


How many times are you going to repeat the same mistake? (何度同じことを繰り返せば気が済むんだい?)


What movie are you going to see? (何の映画を観に行くのですか?)

send out

When are you going to send it out? I’ve already been waiting for 4 days. (いつになったら発送手続きをしてくれるのですか?もう4日も待っています)


Who are you going to show it to? (誰に見せるの?)

Are you going to show me around? That’s so kind of you. I have to work hard to go there again!! (あなたが案内してくれるの?それはとても頼もしいわ。また行けるように仕事頑張らなきゃ!!)


Which girl are you going to sleep with today? (今日はどの女の子と寝るの?)


How are you going to spend the holidays? (あなたは年末年始はどう過ごすの?)

Who are you going to spend time with this Christmas? (今年のクリスマス、誰と過ごすの?)

How are you going to spend New Year’s? (お正月はどうやって過ごすの?)

Are you going to spend Christmas with your family? (クリスマスは家族と過ごすの?)

Christmas is coming soon, how are you going to spend it? (もうすぐクリスマスだけど何して過ごす予定ですか?)

How are you going to spend your birthday? (誕生日は何して過ごすの?)

How are you going to spend the money? (そのお金の使い道は何ですか?)


Are you going to start living on your own? (一人暮らし始めるの?)

Are you going to study again for another few years? Or are you going to start working? (また何年か勉強するの?それとも働き始めるの?)


Are you going to study again for another few years? Or are you going to start working? (また何年か勉強するの?それとも働き始めるの?)

Are you going to study now? (今から勉強するの?)


How long are you going to stay? (いつまで滞在する予定ですか?)

Where are you going to stay? (どこに泊まる予定?)

I miss you so much. How long are you going to stay in Okinawa? (すごく寂しい。いつまで沖縄にいる予定?)

Are you going to stay silent like that forever? You’re such a coward! Don’t ever do this to anyone else! (そうやって永遠に何も言わないつもり?まじで卑怯すぎるから!私以外にそんなこと二度とするな!)

I’m not sure, but are you going to stay in Tokyo from December 26th to January 3rd? (よく分からないんだけど、12月26日から1月3日まで東京に滞在するの?)

Why are you going to stay for such a long time? (何でそんなに長く滞在するの?)


Are you mad at me? Are you going to stop seeing me? (もしかして怒っていますか?私とはもう会いたくない?)


How much money are you going to take from me before you’re finally satisfied? (あなたはどんだけ私からお金を巻き上げれば気が済むの?)

How are you going to take responsibility? (どう責任取りますか?)


“Cause you know now, you can’t really trust big companies...” “Sigh, are you going to talk about that again? It’s getting old.” (「だってさぁ、大きい会社だからって信用できないぜ...」「はぁ、またその話?もうそれ飽きたよ」)

What are you going to talk to her about? (彼女に何を話すの?)

I’m really irritated because you won’t get back to me. When are you going to talk to me about that thing? (君がどんな返事もしてくれないので、すごくイライラしてるの。いつになったらあの話をしてくれるのかな?)


What are you going to teach me? (何を教えてくれるの?)


When are you going to tell your parents about us going out? (私たちがお付き合い始めたことを、あなたの両親にいつ言いますか?)


Are you going to throw him a birthday party?? (あなたは彼の誕生日会を開いてくれるの??)

throw away

Are you going to throw this away? (これ捨てるの?)


Are you going to travel around Japan on your own? (ひとりで日本を旅行するの?)


When are you going to treat me? (いつ奢ってくれるの?)


When are you going to try hard if not now? (今頑張らないで、いつ頑張るの?)


Are you going to use it now? (今から使いますか?)

Are you going to use it right away? (すぐ使う?)

What are you going to use it for? Work? (何に使うのですか?仕事で使うのですか?)

What kind of analysis are you going to use it for? (何の分析に使いますか?)

What are you going to use that much money on?! (そんな額のお金何に使うの?!)


So who are you going to vote for president? (それで、大統領選でどの候補者に投票するの?)


Are you going to wash it for me? Or should I? (あなたが洗ってくれるのですか?それとも私が洗った方が良いですか?)


Just how much longer are you going to watch TV? Come on! (いつまでテレビを観ているの?いい加減にしなさい!)


What color clothes are you going to wear today? (今日何色の服を着るの?)

What are you going to wear to the concert? (どんな服でコンサートに行きますか?)

What are you going to wear for the party? I don’t have any clothes for the party! (パーティーには何を着て行きますか?私パーティー用の服もってない)

I don’t think a girl’s high school uniform suits me. What are you going to wear? (私には女子高生の制服は似合わないかなー。)


It’s the Star Festival today! What are you going to wish for? (今日は七夕です!あなたはどんな願い事をするのかな?)


Have you found a job? Where are you going to work? (就職は決まった?どこで働くの?)

以上、相手の意志や予定を確認する表現〔Are you going to do?(するつもり?)〕を紹介しました。








