今回は、可能性が高いと判断したことを表す〔be likely to do(なりそうである/なりがちである/なる可能性が高い)〕の表現についてまとめました。

〔be likely to do〕を含む例文・フレーズ
〔be likely to do〕の〔do〕が表す、可能性が高いと判断した内容を表す動詞のバリエーションに注目し、様々な場面で〔be likely to do〕を使えるようになりましょう!

In Japan, you’re likely to be outcast from society if you’re not a team player. (日本という国は、和を乱すと、のけ者にされてしまう風土がある)
Tiredness and fever are much more likely to be a sign of the flu coming on. (倦怠感と発熱はインフルエンザの兆候である可能性が高い)
Statistics indicate that depressed patients are more likely to become ill than are normal people. (統計によると、うつ状態の患者は健常な人より病気になりやすい)
You are likely to be given almost three months – until the time of your next bill – before you are disconnected. (サービス停止まで、ほぼ3ヶ月つまり次の請求書の時まで猶予があるだろう)
The series is likely to be screened in January. (そのシリーズはおそらく1月に放送される)
Older drivers are more likely to be seriously injured because of the fragility of their bones. (年配の運転者のほうが、骨がもろいために事故で重傷を負いやすい)
The downward trend in home ownership is likely to continue. (住宅保有率の下降傾向はこのまま続くだろう)
Research suggests that children whose parents split up are more likely to drop out of high school. (離婚家庭の子供は高校で落ちこぼれやすい傾向にあるという調査結果が出ている)
Further evidence of slowing economic growth is likely to emerge this week. (今週、経済成長がさらに鈍化する兆候が見られるでしょう)
You’re more likely to get married before me! (あなたの方が先に結婚してそうだけどね!)
If you slow down the shutter speed, you capture more brightness but you’re also likely to get blurring. (シャッター速度を遅くすると明るく写るけどブレやすいんだよね)
He is likely to get off with a small fine. (彼は罰金を少し払うだけで済みそうだ)
Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year. (今年失業率は上昇し続けるであろう)
You fall in love easily, don’t you? Why do you fall in love so fast? This means you’re likely to have love affairs. (あなたは恋しやすいよね?どうしてすぐに恋をするの?浮気性だよそれって)
Recent studies suggest that as many as 5 in 1,000 new mothers are likely to have this problem. (最近の調査によると新米ママの1000人中5人もがこの問題を抱えるそうだ)
In Western countries girls are far less likely to offend than boys. (西欧諸国では、少年に比べ少女が罪を犯す確率ははるかに少ない)
The tension between the two countries is likely to remain. (両国間の緊張関係は続きそうである)
They are likely to respond positively to the president’s request for aid. (彼らは大統領の援助の要請に対して前向きの回答を示す模様です)
Those kinds of vehicles are more likely to roll over than passenger cars. (そのタイプの車は乗用車よりも転倒しやすい)
People are not likely to say anything when they have a difference of opinion. (人は周りの意見と違うことを言うのを嫌がる可能性が高い)
Women are three times more likely to suffer from this disease than men. (この病気にかかる確率は3対1で男性よりも女性の方が多い)
Women who eat plenty of fresh vegetables are far less likely to suffer anxiety or depression. (新鮮な野菜をたっぷり食べている女性は、不安やうつ病になる可能性が非常に低い)
The consensus among the world’s scientists is that the world is likely to warm up over the next few decades. (世界は今後数十年で温暖化するだろうというのが世界の科学者たちの一致した意見だ)
以上、可能性が高いと判断したことを表す〔be likely to do(なりそうである/なりがちである/なる可能性が高い)〕の表現を紹介しました。